
    Dr. med. Cordula Koerner-Rettberg

  • Diagnostik früher Lungenveränderungen bei PCD und CF

    Impaired nitric oxide synthetase activity in primary ciliary dyskinesia – data driven hypothesis.
    Lisa Eggenkemper*, Anne Schlegtendal*, Christoph Maier, Thomas Lücke, Folke Brinkmann, Bibiana Beckmann, Dimitrios Tsikas#, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg#. *shared first authors. #shared last authors.
    J Clin Med 2023 Sep 16;12(18):6010. DOI: 10.3390/jcm12186010

    Risk factors for the deterioration of pulmonary function in primary ciliary dyskinesia
    Vanessa Fein, Christoph Maier, Anne Schlegtendal, Robin Enrico Denz, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg*, Folke Brinkmann* *shared last authors.
    Ped Pulmonol 2023:1-9. DOI: 10.1002/ppul.2641

    Long-term follow-up of health-related quality of life and short-term intervention with CFTR modulator therapy in adults with cystic fibrosis: evaluation of changes over several years with or without 33 weeks of CFTR modulator therapy
    Gruber W, Welsner M, Blosch C, Dillenhoefer S, Olivier M, Brinkmann F, Koerner-Rettberg C,  Sutharsan S, Mellies U, Taube C, Stehling F.
    Healthcare 2023; 11(21): 2873;

    Comparison of the Lung Clearance Index in Preschool Children with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and Cystic Fibrosis
    Roehmel J, Doerfler F, Koerner-Rettberg C, Brinkmann F, Schlegtendal A, Wetzke M, Rudolf I, Helms S, Grosse-Onnebrink J, Yu Y, Nuesslein T, Wojsyk-Banaszak I, Becker S, Eickmeier O, Sommerburg O, Omran H, Stahl M, Mall M.
    Chest J 2022; 162(3). DOI 10.1016/j.chest.2022.02.052

    Lung function from school age to adulthood in primary ciliary dyskinesia
    Halbeisen FS, Pedersen ESL, Goutaki M, Spycher BD, Amirav I, Boon M, Cohen-Cymberknoh M, Crowley S, Emiralioglu N, Haarman EG, Karadag B, Koerner-Rettberg C, Latzin P, Loebinger MR, Lucas JS, Mazurek H, Morgan L, Marthin J, Pohunek P, Santamaria F, Schwerk N, Thouvenin G, Yiallouros P, Nielsen KG, Kuehni CE.
    Eur Respir J 2022 Oct; 60(4): 2101918. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01918-2021

    Lung clearance index predicts pulmonary exacerbations in individuals with primary ciliary dyskinesia: a multicentre cohort study
    Florian Singer*, Anne M. Schlegtendal*, Sylvia Nyilas, Mieke Boon#, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg#
    *shared first authorship, #shared last authorship
    Thorax 2021;0:1-8. Doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2020-215504

    Structural and functional lung impairment in PCD: Assessment with MRI and multiple breath washout in comparison to spirometry.
    Sylvia Nyilas*; Grzegorz Bauman*; Orso Pusterla, Gregor Sommer; Florian Singer; Enno Stranzinger, Christoph Heyer; Kathryn Ramsey, Anne Schlegtendal, Stephanie Benzrath; Carmen Sasaulta, Myrofora Goutaki, Claudia Kuehni, Oliver Bieri; Cordula Koerner- Rettberg#; Philipp Latzin# 
    *shared first authorship, #shared last authorship
    Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2018 Dec; 15(12):1434-1442. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201712-967OC

    Comparison of different analysis algorithms to calculate multiple-breath washout outcomes
    Pinelopi Anagnostopoulou, Nadja Kranz, Jeremias Wolfensberger, Marisa Guidi, Sylvia Nyilas, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Sophie Yammine, Florian Singer, Philipp Latzin
    ERJ Open Res 2018 Jul; 4(3):00021-2017. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00021-2017

    Alternative Inert Gas Washout Outcomes in Patients with Primary Ciliary dyskinesia
    Sylvia Nyilas; Anne Schlegtendal; Florian Singer; Myrofora Goutaki; Claudia E. Kuehni; Carmen Casaulta; Philipp Latzin; Cordula Koerner-Rettberg
    Eur Respir J 2017 Jan 25;49(1). pii: 1600466. doi: 10.1183/13993003.00466-2016. Print 2017 Jan.

    Physiological Phenotyping of peadiatric chronic obstructive airway diseases
    Sylvia Nyilas, Florian Singer, Nitin Kumar, Sophie Yammine, Delphine Meier-Girard, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Carmen Casaulta, Urs Frey, and Philipp Latzin
    J Applied Physiol 2016, Jul 1;121(1):324-32. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00086.2016. Epub 2016 May 26

    Further Evidence for an association between LCI and FEV1 in patients with PCD
    S. Nyilas, A. Schlegtendal, P. Latzin, C. Koerner-Rettberg
    Thorax 2015 Sep;70(9):896pp; Epub 2015 May12 doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2015-207206

    Management der Primären Ziliären Dyskinesie
    Johanna Raidt, Birgit Borges-Lueke, Jens Brillaut, Folke Brinkmann, Andreas Jung, Heike Linz-Keul, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Assev Koitschev, Christina Krämer, Thomas Nuesslein, Jessica Rademacher, Berhnard Rindlisbacher, Felix Ringshausen, Jobst Roehmel, Martin Rosewich, Claudius Wener, Heymut Omran
    Pneumologie. 2020 Nov; 74(11):750-765. Doi: 10.1055/a-1235-1520. PMID: 32977348

    Preventive Inhalation of Hypertonic Saline in Infants with Cystic Fibrosis (PRESIS): A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Study
    Mirjam Stahl, Mark Wielpütz, Isabell Ricklefs Christian Dopfer, Sandra Barth, Anne Schlegtendal,  Simon Graeber, Olaf Sommerburg, Gesa Diekmann, Johannes Hüsing, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Lutz Nährlich, Anna-Maria Dittrich,  Matthias Kopp, Marcus Mall
    Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 199, Iss 10, pp 1238–1248, May 15, 2019

    Lung function in patients with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia: an iPCD Cohort study
    Florian Halbeisen, Myrona Goutaki, Ben Spycher, Israel Amirav, Laura Behan, Mieke Boon, Claire Hogg, Carmen Casaulta, Suzanne Crowley, Eric Haarman, Bulent Karadag, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Michael Loebinger, Henryk Mazurek, Lucy Morgan, Kim Nielsen, Heymut Omran, Francesca Santamaria, Nicolaus Schwerk, Guillaume Thouvenin, Panayiotis Yiallouros, Jane Lucas, Philipp Latzin, Claudia Kuehni
    Eur Respir J 2018 52(2): 1801040; doi: 10.1183/13993003.01040-2018

  • Sonstige Publikationen

    Characterization of Obesity in Severe Asthma in the German Asthma Net
    Bal C, Pohl W, Milger K, Skowasch D, Schulz C, Gappa M, Koerner-Rettberg C, Jandl M, Schmidt O, Zehetmayer S, Taube C, Hamelmann E, Buhl R, Korn S*, Idzko M*, and the German Asthma Net (GAN) study group.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2023 Jul 4:S2213-2198(23)00714-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2023.06.049

    ABCA3 related interstitial lung disease beyond infancy
    Li Y, Seidl E, Knoflach K, Gothe F, Forstner ME, Michel K, Pawlita I, Gesenhues F, Sattler F, Yang X,  Kroener C, Reu-Hofer S, Ley-Zaporozhan J, Kammer B, Krüger-Stollfuß I, Dinkel J, Carlens J, Wetzke M, Moreno-Galdó A, Torrent-Vernetta A, Lange J, Krenke K, Rumman N, Mayell S, Sismanlar T, Aslan A, Regamey N, Proesmans M, Stehling F, Naehrlich L, Ayse K, Becker S, Koerner-Rettberg C, Plattner E, Manali ED, Papiris SA, Campo I, Kappler M, Schwerk N, Griese M..
    Thorax 2023 Jun;78(6):587-595. doi: 10.1136/thorax-2022-219434. Epub 2023 Feb 20.

    Bronchodilator reversibility in the GAN severe asthma cohort.
    Milger-Kneidiger K, Skowasch D, Hamelmann E, Muemmler C, Idzko M, Gappa M, Jandl M, Koerner-Rettberg C, Ehmann R, Schmidt O, Taube C, Holtdirk A, Timmermann H, Buhl R, Korn S.
    J Invest Allergol Clin Immunol 2022; PMID: 36000830; DOI: 10.18176/jiaci.0850

    Psychological characteristics of functional respiratory disorders in children and adolescents - pilot study.
    Niggemann B, Maas R, Suerbaum C, Spindler T, Kohl A, Koerner-Rettberg C, and Burghardt R.
    Ped Pulmonol 2022 Sept. DOI 10.1002/ppul.26129

    Characterization of the L-arginine/nitric oxide pathway and oxidative stress in pediatric patients with atopic diseases
    Hanusch B, Sinningen K, Brinkmann F, Dillenhöfer S, Frank M, Jöckel KH, Koerner-Rettberg C, Holtmann M, Legenbauer T, Langrock C, Reinehr T, Maasjosthusmann P, Beckmann B, Hamelmann E, Tsikas D, Lücke T.. Int J Mol Sciences 2022 Feb; 23(4). DOI: 10.3390/ijms23042136

    Barriers for sports and exercise participation and corresponding barrier management in cystic fibrosis.
    Dillenhöfer S, Stehling F, Welsner M, Schlegtendal A, Sutharsan S, Olivier M, Taube C, Mellies U, Koerner-Rettberg C, Brinkmann F, Gruber W.
    Int J Environmental Res Publ Health 2022 Oct;19(20). DOI 10.3390/ijerph192013150

    Mepolizumab Treatment in Severe Pediatric Asthma: First Multicentric Real-World Data
    Martin Wetzke, Dominik Funken, Frank O. Ahrens, Monika Gappa, Gesine Hansen, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Holger Koester, Johannes Schulze, Nicolaus Schwerk, Stefan Zielen, Christine Happle
    Klin Padiatr 2021; 233: 1–4 | © 2021. Thieme  

    Health-related Fitness and Motor Performance-related Fitness and Physical Activity Among Youth with Cystic Fibrosis
    Gruber, Wolfgang; Welsner, Matthias; Dillenhöfer , Stefanie; Olivier, Margarete ; Koerner-Rettberg, Cordula; Sutharsan, Sivagurunathan; Taube, Christian; Mellies , Uwe; Stehling, Florian
    Perceptual and Motor Skills 2021, Vol. 128(5); 2097-2116. DOI: 10.1177/00315125211036415

    Mutations in P73 causeimpaired mucociliary clearance and lissencephaly
    Julia Wallmeier, Diana Frank, Hessa Saad Alsaif, Gerard W. Dougherty, Heike Olbrich, Sandra Cindric, Mark Dzietko, Christoph Heyer, Norbert Teig, Charlotte Thiels, Eissa Faqieh, Aqeela Al-Hashim, Sameena Khan, Ibrahim Mogarri, Mohammed Almannai, Wadha Al Otaibi, Fowzan S. Alkuraya, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg§, Heymut Omran§, shared last authors§
    The American Journal of Human Genetics (2021),

    Die induzierbare laryngeale Obstruktion (ILO) – Ursachen, klinische Präsentation, Diagnostik und Therapie. Positionspapier der Arbeitsgruppe “Dysfunktionelle Respiratorische Symptome “ der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Pneumologie (GPP)
    Dillenhöfer S., Hinrichs B., Kohl A., Kuhnigk M., Maas R., Pfeiifer-Kascha D., Rutt T., Schlegtendal A., Seidenberg J., Spindler T., Suerbaum C., Wilmsmeyer B., Zeidler S., Koerner-Rettberg C.
    Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 2021 3 May.

    Trinability of Health-Related and Motor Performance Fitness in Adults with Cystic Fibrosis within a 12-Month Partially Supervised Exercise Program
    Matthias Welsner, Wolfgang Gruber, Uwe Mellies, Margarete Olivier, Sivagurunathan Sutharsan, Christian Taube, Stephanie Dillenhöfer, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, and Florian Stehling
    Pulmonary Medicine 2021 Mar 9, 1-9, ID 5581812,

    Lung clearance index predicts pulmonary exacerbations in individuals with primary ciliary dyskinesia: a multicentre cohort study
    Florian Singer*, Anne M. Schlegtendal*, Sylvia Nyilas, Mieke Boon#, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg#
    *shared first authorship, #shared last authorship
    Thorax 2021;0:1-8. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2020-215504

    Effects of a long term exercise program on Motor Performance in children and adolescents with CF
    Wolfgang Gruber, Florian Stehling, Margarete Olivier, Stefanie Dillenhöfer, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Sivagurunathan Sutharsan, Christian Taube, Uwe Mellies, Matthias Welsner
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2020 Dec;55(12):3371-3380. Doi:10.1002/ppul.25064. Epub 2020 Oct14. PMID 32902926

    Management der Primären Ziliären Dyskinesie
    Johanna Raidt, Birgit Borges-Lueke, Jens Brillaut, Folke Brinkmann, Andreas Jung, Heike Linz-Keul, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Assev Koitschev, Christina Krämer, Thomas Nuesslein, Jessica Rademacher, Berhnard Rindlisbacher, Felix Ringshausen, Jobst Roehmel, Martin Rosewich, Claudius Wener, Heymut Omran
    Pneumologie 2020 Nov; 74(11):750-765. Doi: 10.1055/a-1235-1520. PMID: 32977348

    Association between habitual physical activity (HPA) and sleep quality in patients with cystic fibrosis
    Sarah Dietz-Terjung, Wolfgang Gruber, Sivagurunathan Sutharsan, Christian Taube, Margarete Olivier, Uwe Mellies, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Stefanie Dillenhöfer, Florian Stehling, Matthias WelsnerSleep Breath. 2020 Jul 14. doi:10.1007/s11325-020-02130-0. Online ahead of print.

    Standardised clinical data from patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia: FOLLOW-PCD
    Goutaki, Myrofora; Papon, Jean-Francois; Boon, Mieke; Casaulta, Carmen; Eber, Ernst; Escudier, Estelle; Halbeisen, Florian; Harris, Amanda; hogg, claire; Honoré, Isabelle; Jung, Andreas; Karadag, Bulent; Koerner-Rettberg, Cordula; Legendre, Marie; Maitre, Bernard; Nielsen, Kim; Rubbo, Bruna; Rumman, Nisreen; Schofield, Lynne; Shoemark, Amelia; Thouvenin, Guillaume; Willkins, Hannah; Lucas, Jane; Kuehni, Claudia
    ERJ Open Res. 2020 Feb 10;6(1):00237-2019. Doi: 10.1183/23120541.00237-2019. PMID: 32055632

    Randomization of Left-right Asymmetry and Congenital Heart Defects: The Role of DNAH5 in Humans and Mice
    Tabea Nöthe-Menchen, Julia Wallmeier, Petra Pennekamp, Inga M. Höben, Heike Olbrich, Niki T. Loges, Johanna Raidt, Gerard W. Dougherty, Rim Hjeij, Bernd Dworniczak, Heymut Omran and the PCD study group*
    *PCD study group: Samra Alikadic, Israel Amirav, Luisa Biebach, Dorit Fabricius, Matthias Griese, Jörg Große-Onnebrink, Karsten Häffner, Elisabeth Horak-Auer, Andreas Hector, Andreas Jung, Petra Kaiser-Labusch, Thomas Kaiser, Christina Keßler, Richard Kitz, Michael R. Knowles, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Ulf Kristofferson, Margaret W. Leigh, Pontus Mertsch, Bernhard Mischo, Kim G. Nielsen, Marco Poeta, Ernst Rietschel, Francesca Santamaria, Christian Schmalstieg, Miriam Schmidts, Carsten Schwarz, Nicolaus Schwerk, Horst Seithe, Johannes Tebbe, Claudius Werner, Maimoona Zariwala.
    Circ Genom Precis Med. 2019 Oct 22. Vol 12(11). doi: 10.1161/CIRCGEN.119.002686

    Time trends in diagnostic testing for PCD: are we getting closer to guidelines?
    Halbeisen Florian S, Shoemark Amelia, Barbato Angelo, Boon Mieke, Carr Siobhan, Crowley Suzanne, Hirst Rob, Karadag Bulent, Koerner-Rettberg Cordula, Loebinger Michael R, Lucas Jane S, Maitre Bernard, Mazurek Henryk, Özçelik Uğur, Martinů Vendula, Schwerk Nicolaus, Thouvenin Guillaume, Tschanz Stefan A, Yiallouros Panayiotis, Goutaki Myrofora, Kuehni Claudia E
    ERJ 2019 Oct 24.

    Preventive Inhalation of Hypertonic Saline in Infants with Cystic Fibrosis (PRESIS): A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Study
    Mirjam Stahl, Mark Wielpütz, Isabell Ricklefs Christian Dopfer, Sandra Barth, Anne Schlegtendal,  Simon Graeber, Olaf Sommerburg, Gesa Diekmann, Johannes Hüsing, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Lutz Nährlich, Anna-Maria Dittrich,  Matthias Kopp, Marcus Mall
    Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 199, Iss 10, pp 1238–1248, May 15, 2019

    Pulmonary exacerbations in patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia: an expert consensus definition for use in clinical trial
    Jane Lucas, Florian Gahleitner, Adelina Amorim, Mieke Boon, Philippa Brown, Carolina Constant, Simon Cook, Suzanne Crowley, Damien Destouches, Ernst Eber, Huda Mussaffi, Eric Haarman, Amanda Harris, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Claudia E Kuehni, Philipp Latzin, Michael Loebinger, Natalie Lorent, Bernhard Maitre, Antonio Moreno-Galdo, Kim Nielsen, Ugur Özcelik, Lue Philipsen, Petr Pohunek, Eva Polverino, Jessica Rademacher, Philip Robinson, Deborah Snijders, Panayiotis Yiallouros, Siobhan Carr
    ERJ Open Res. 2019 Feb; 5(1): 00147-2018. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00147-2018

    Dysfunktionelle respiratorische Symptome – Fokus auf neue und bekannte Störungen
    A Schlegtendal1, C Koerner-Rettberg1
    Der Pneumologe 2019 Jan 12, DOI: 10.1007/s10405-018-0222-6

    Structural and Functional Lung Impairment in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. Assessment with Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Multiple Breath Washout in Comparison to Spirometry.
    Sylvia Nyilas*; Grzegorz Bauman*; Orso Pusterla, Gregor Sommer; Florian Singer; Enno Stranzinger, Christoph Heyer; Kathryn Ramsey, Anne Schlegtendal, Stephanie Benzrath; Carmen Sasaulta, Myrofora Goutaki, Claudia Kuehni, Oliver Bieri; Cordula Koerner- Rettberg#; Philipp Latzin# 
    *shared first authorship, #shared last authorship
    Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2018 Dec; 15(12):1434-1442. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201712-967OC

    Prevalence and course of disease after lung resection in primary ciliary dyskinesia: a cohort & nested case-control study
    Panayiotis Kouis, Myrofora Goutaki, Florian S. Halbeisen, Ifigeneia Gioti, Nicos Middleton, Israel Amirav, Angelo Barbato, Jane Lucas, Mieke Boon, Nagehan Emiralioglu, Eric Haarman, Bulent Karadag, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Romain Lazor, Michael Loebinger, Bernard Maitre, Henryk Mazurek, Lucy Morgan, Kim Gjerum Nielsen, Heymut Omran, Ugur Özçelik, Mareike Price, Debora Snijders, Guillaume Thouvenin, Claudius Werner, Zorica Zivcovic, Claudia E. Kuehni, Panayiotis K. Yiallouros
    Respir Res 20, 212 (2019).

    Lung function in patients with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia: an iPCD Cohort study
    Florian Halbeisen, Myrona Goutaki, Ben Spycher, Israel Amirav, Laura Behan, Mieke Boon, Claire Hogg, Carmen Casaulta, Suzanne Crowley, Eric Haarman, Bulent Karadag, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Michael Loebinger, Henryk Mazurek, Lucy Morgan, Kim Nielsen, Heymut Omran, Francesca Santamaria, Nicolaus Schwerk, Guillaume Thouvenin, Panayiotis Yiallouros, Jane Lucas, Philipp Latzin, Claudia Kuehni
    Eur Respir J 2018 52(2): 1801040; doi: 10.1183/13993003.01040-2018

    Comparison of different analysis algorithms to calculate multiple-breath washout outcomes
    Pinelopi Anagnostopoulou, Nadja Kranz, Jeremias Wolfensberger, Marisa Guidi, Sylvia Nyilas, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Sophie Yammine, Florian Singer, Philipp Latzin
    ERJ Open Res 2018 Jul; 4(3):00021-2017. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00021-2017

    Dysfunktionelle respiratorische Symptome im Kindes- und Jugendalter – eine Herausforderung 
    C. Koerner-Rettberg
    Atemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten, Jahrgang 44, Nr. 4 / 2018, S. 212-220, Dustri-Verlag (review)

    25-Hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are not lower in children with bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, obesity, or attention deficient/hyperactivity disorder than in healthy children
    Thomas Reinehr, Christian Langrock, Eckard Hamelmann, Thomas Lücke, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Martin Holtmann, Tanja Legenbauer, Stephanie Gest, Mirjam Frank, Börge Schmidt, Katharina Radkowski, Karl-Heinz Jöckel
    Nutrition Research 2018 Jan 19. Vol 52:39-47.

    Growth and nutritional status, and their association with lung function: a study from the international Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Cohort.
    Goutaki M, Halbeisen FS, Spycher BD, Maurer E, Belle F, Amirav I, Behan L, Boon M, Carr S, Casaulta C, Clement A, Crowley S, Dell S, Ferkol T, Haarman E, Karadag B, Knowles M, Koerner-Rettberg C, Leigh M, Loebinger MR, Mazurek H, Morgan L, Nielsen KG, Phillipsen M, Sagel S, Santamaria F, Schwerk N, Yiallouros P, Lucas JS, Kuehni CE, PCD Israeli Consortium, Swiss PCD Group, French Reference Centre for Rare Lung Diseases.
    Eur Respir J 2017 Dec 21;50(6). pii: 1701659. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01659-2017. Print 2017 Dec.

    Alternative Inert Gas Washout Outcomes in Patients with Primary Ciliary dyskinesia
    Sylvia Nyilas1&2#; Anne Schlegtendal3#; Florian Singer1&4; Myrofora Goutaki1&5; Claudia E. Kuehni5; Carmen Casaulta2; Philipp Latzin1&2*; Cordula Koerner-Rettberg3*Eur Respir J 2017 Jan 25;49(1). pii: 1600466. doi: 10.1183/13993003.00466-2016. Print 2017 Jan.

    The International Primary Ciliary Dyskinesie Cohort – methods and first results
    Goutaki M, Maurer M, Halbeisen F, Amirav I, Barbato A, Behan L, Boon M, Casaulta C, Clement A, Crowley S, Haarman E, Hogg C, Karadag B, Koerner-Rettberg C, Leigh MW, Loebinger M, Mazurek H, Morgan L, Nielsen K, Omran H, Schwerk N, Scigliano S, Werner C, Yiallouros P, Zivkovic Z, Lucas J, and Kuehni C.
    published online in Eur Respir J 22. Dec 2016. Printed: Eur Respir J. 2017 Jan 4;49(1). pii: 1601181. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01181-2016. PMID: 28052956

    Factors associated with worse lung function in cystic fibrosis patients with persistent Staphylococcus aureus
    Junge S, Görlich D, den Reijer M, Wiedemann B, Tümmler B, Ellemunter H, Dübbers A, Küster P, Ballmann M, Koerner-Rettberg C, Große-Onnebrink J, Heuer E, Sexto W, Mainz JG, Hammermann J, Riethmüller J, Graepler-Mainka U, Staab D, Wollschläger B, Szczepanski R, Schuster A, Tegtmeyer FK, Sutharsan S, Wald A, Nofer JR, van Warmel W, Becker K, Peters G, Kahl BC
    PLoS One. 2016 Nov 18;11(11):e0166220. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0166220. eCollection 2016

    Der habituelle Husten. Positionspapier der AG „Dysfunktionelle Respiratorische Symptome“ (DRS) der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Pneumologie (GPP)
    Bodo Niggemann, Bernd Hinrichs, Christine Lehmann, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Holger Köster, Thomas Spindler, Christa Weiss, für die AG „DRS“ der GPP
    Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 165, 433-436 (2017).

    Physiological Phenotyping of peadiatric chronic obstructive airway diseases
    Sylvia Nyilas, Florian Singer, Nitin Kumar, Sophie Yammine, Delphine Meier-Girard, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Carmen Casaulta, Urs Frey, and Philipp Latzin
    J Applied Physiol 2016, Jul 1;121(1):324-32. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00086.2016. Epub 2016 May 26

    Pulmonalarterielle Mikroembolien als Erstmanifestation eines Morbus Behçet
    K. Wand, F. Brinkmann, T. Rothoeft, R-B. Tröbs, D. Kececioglu, E. Sandica, T. Lücke, C.M. Heyer, R. Lochowsky, C. Koerner-Rettberg, L. Rossler
    Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 165, 427-432 (2017)

    Further Evidence for an association between LCI and FEV1 in patients with PCD
    S. Nyilas, A. Schlegtendal, P. Latzin, C. Koerner-Rettberg
    Thorax 2015 Sep;70(9):896pp; Epub 2015 May12 doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2015-207206

    Mutations in CCDC11, which encodes a coiled-coil containing ciliary protein, causes situs inversus due to dysmotility of monocilia in the left-right organizer
    Vijayashankaranarayanan Narasimhan, Rim Hjeij, Shubha Vij, Niki Loges, Julia Wallmeier, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Claudius Werner, Adrian Boey, Semil Choksi, Petra Pennekamp, Sudipto Roy, Heymut Omran
    Human Mutation 2015 Mar;36(3):307-18

    High variability in oral glucose tolerance among 1,128 patients with cystic fibrosis
    Nicole Scheuing*, R.W. Holl,*, G. Dockter, J.M. Hermann, S. Junge, L. Naehrlich, C. Smacnzy, D. Staab, G. Thalhammer, S. van Koningsbruggen-Rietschel, C. Koerner-Rettberg, M. Ballmann
    PLOS One 11/2014; 9(11): e112578

    Colistimethate sodium for the treatment of chronic pulmonary infection in cystic fibrosis: an evidence-based review of its place in therapy
    C. Koerner-Rettberg, M. Ballmann
    Core Evidence, 2014 Sept;9:99-112

    Mutations in CCNO result in congenital mucociliary clearance disorder with reduced generation of multiple motile cilia
    Julia Wallmeier, Dalal A. Al-Mutairi, Lina Ma, Basel H. Alsabah, Hanan E. Shamseldin, Niki Tomas Loges, Petra Pennekamp, Tabea Menchen, Heike Olbrich, Gerard W Dougherty, Claudius Werner, Gabriele Köhler, Martine Jaspers, Mieke Boon, Matthias Griese, Sabina Schmitt-Grohé, Theodor Zimmermann, Cordula Körner-Rettberg, Elisabeth
    Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 165, 427-432 (2017)

    Further Evidence for an association between LCI and FEV1 in patients with PCD
    S. Nyilas, A. Schlegtendal, P. Latzin, C. Koerner-Rettberg
    Thorax 2015 Sep;70(9):896pp; Epub 2015 May12 doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2015-207206

    Mutations in CCDC11, which encodes a coiled-coil containing ciliary protein, causes situs inversus due to dysmotility of monocilia in the left-right organizer
    Vijayashankaranarayanan Narasimhan, Rim Hjeij, Shubha Vij, Niki Loges, Julia Wallmeier, Cordula Koerner-Rettberg, Claudius Werner, Adrian Boey, Semil Choksi, Petra Pennekamp, Sudipto Roy, Heymut Omran
    Human Mutation 2015 Mar;36(3):307-18

    High variability in oral glucose tolerance among 1,128 patients with cystic fibrosis
    Nicole Scheuing*, R.W. Holl,*, G. Dockter, J.M. Hermann, S. Junge, L. Naehrlich, C. Smacnzy, D. Staab, G. Thalhammer, S. van Koningsbruggen-Rietschel, C. Koerner-Rettberg, M. Ballmann
    PLOS One 11/2014; 9(11): e112578

    Colistimethate sodium for the treatment of chronic pulmonary infection in cystic fibrosis: an evidence-based review of its place in therapy
    C. Koerner-Rettberg, M. Ballmann
    Core Evidence, 2014 Sept;9:99-112

    Mutations in CCNO result in congenital mucociliary clearance disorder with reduced generation of multiple motile cilia
    Julia Wallmeier, Dalal A. Al-Mutairi, Lina Ma, Basel H. Alsabah, Hanan E. Shamseldin, Niki Tomas Loges, Petra Pennekamp, Tabea Menchen, Heike Olbrich, Gerard W Dougherty, Claudius Werner, Gabriele Köhler, Martine Jaspers, Mieke Boon, Matthias Griese, Sabina Schmitt-Grohé, Theodor Zimmermann, Cordula Körner-Rettberg, Elisabeth Horak, Chris Kintner, Fowzan S Alkuraya, Heymut Omran
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    Diagnostik der Primären Ziliären Dyskinesie
    F. Brinkmann, T. Nuesslein, P. Ahrens, M. Ebsen, A. Jung, W. Kirchberger, A. Kneißl, C. Koerner-Rettberg, H. Linz-Keul, N.T. Loges, D. Theegarten, H. Seithe, J. Sendler, C. Werner, H. Omran
    Der Pneumologe, 05/2014; 11(3):259-266. DOI 10.1007/s10405-0140781-0

    Das Register Schweres Asthma des German Asthma Net: Der allergische Phänotyp
    S. Korn, T. Schiffer, C. Koerner-Rettberg, U. Schauer, E. Hamelmann
    Pneumologie 02/2014; 68(S01). DOI: 10.1055/s0034-1367917

    Asthma und Übergewicht – Gibt es einen Zusammenhang?
    C. Koerner-Rettberg, M. Ballmann,
    Pädiatrische Praxis 2013/14; 81:567-577 und: Internistische Praxis 2014 Okt; 54: 713-23

    ZMYND10 is mutated in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and interacts with LRRC6
    Zariwala MA, Gee HY, Kurkowiak M, Al-Mutairi DA, Leigh MW, Hurd TW, Hjeij R, Dell SD, Chaki M, Dougherty GW, Adan M, Spear PC, Esteve-Rudd J, Loges NT, Rosenfeld, M, Diaz KA, Olbrich H, Wolf WE, Sheridan E, Batten TFC, Halbritter J, Porath JD, Kohl S, Lovric S, Hwang DY, Pittman JE, Burns KA, Ferkol TW, Sagel SD, Olivier KN, Morgan LC, Werner C, Raidt J, Pennekamp P, Sun Z, Zhou W, Airik R, Natarajan S, Allen SJ, Amirav I, Wieczorek D, Landwehr K, Nielsen K, Schwerk N, Sertic J, Köhler G, Washburn J, Levy S, Fan S, Koerner-Rettberg C, Amselem S, Williams DS, Mitchell BC, Drummond IA, Otto EA, Omran H, Knowles MR, Hildebrandt F
    Am J Hum Genet 2013 Jul; 93(2): 336-345

    Diagnostik der primären ziliären Dyskinesie. Empfehlungen in Zusammenarbeit mit Kartagener-Syndrom und Primäre Ciliäre Dyskinesie e. V.
    T. Nüßlein, F. Brinkmann, P. Ahrens, M. Ebsen, A. Jung, W. Kirchberger, A. Kneißl,
    C. Koerner-Rettberg, H. Linz-Keul, N.T. Loges, D. Theegarten, H. Seithe, J. Sendler, C. Werner, H. Omran
    Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 2013; 161(5): 406-416

    The role of baseline impedance as a marker of mucosal integrity in children with gastro oesophageal reflux disease
    D Pilic, S Hankel, C Koerner-Rettberg, E Hamelmann, A Schmidt-Choudhury
    Scand J Gastroenterol 2013 Jul; 48(7): 785-93

    Effect of different treatment regimes of CFRD on clinical status: A register study
    S. Polat, C. Koerner-Rettberg, I. Heesen, M. Ballmann
    Journal of cystic fibrosis 06/2013: 12: S115. DOI 10.1016/S1596-1993(13)60402-6

    Zystische Fibrose. (Buchkapitel 5)
    Koerner-Rettberg C., Neumann H., Ballmann M.
    In: Heinrichs, & Lohaus, A. (Hrsg.). Chronische Erkrankungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter – Psychosoziale Belastungen, Entwicklungsrisiken und Entwicklungschancen. Beltz-Verlag, Weinheim. (erschienen 2013)

    Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 als seltene Komorbidität bei Cystischer Fibrose – eine therapeutische Herausforderung
    E. Lilienthal, S. Funken, C. Koerner-Rettberg, Manfred Ballmann, E. Hamelmann
    Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 05/2012; 7(S01). DOI 10.1055/s-0032-1314479

    Lungenfunktionsdiagnostik im Kindesalter
    Koerner-Rettberg C, Ballmann M.
    Pädiatrische Praxis 2011/12; 78:419-429

    Ultrasound and colour Doppler in infantile subglottic haemangioma.
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    Diagnostik bei zystischer Fibrose. Ein Update.
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    Asthma-Phänotypen unterscheiden - Update Asthma bronchiale im Kindesalter
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    Pädiatrie Hautnah 22, S44-S49 (2010);

    Reduced lung function in a chronic asthma model is associated with prolonged inflammation, but independent of peribronchial fibrosis.
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    Differential response of human naïve and memory/effector T cells to dendritic cells infected by respiratory syncytial virus.
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    Inhalation of stable dust extracts prevents allergen induced airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness.
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    The beta2 integrin CD11c distinguishes a subset of cytotoxic pulmonary T cells with potent antiviral effects in vitro and in vivo.
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    Sustained increases in numbers of pulmonary dendritic cells after respiratory syncytial virus infection.
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